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Achieving our sustainability goals requires collaboration with various stakeholders, not just our key stakeholders but also across industry players and across industries.

As such, we are constantly looking for new partnerships, as well as participating in relevant industry membership and certification schemes.

Since November 2017, Apical has been a partner of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020). TFA 2020 is a global public-private partnership that brings together governments, private sector, and civil society organisations to exchange knowledge, expertise and best practice on forest and ecosystem conservation.

In September 2018, Apical initiated SUSTAIN (Sustainability Assurance & Innovation Alliance) together with a group of companies comprising oil palm growers, palm oil processors, consumer goods manufacturers, not-for-profit organisations and technology leaders. Find out more about SUSTAIN below.

We continue to play an active role in certification and membership organisations, such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) – including the RSPO P&C Review Taskforce and the RSPO Indonesia National Interpretation Working Group, the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), and the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). We also contribute to standard revision at industry level and at the same time, we leverage on the membership of these organisations to keep ourselves abreast with emerging trends and new standards.

Over the years, we have engaged with Earthworm Foundation (formerly TFT), Proforest and Daemeter as our strategic implementation partners for a wide range of programmes, including the development of our Sustainability Policy.

Additionally, we began collaborating with Earthqualizer & Innovasi Digital as our deforestation monitoring system partner through Transform Platform to monitor our supply chain.

Our Programmes


Known as SMILE or the SMallholder Inclusion for better Livelihood & Empowerment programme, it is a collaboration among three leading companies in the palm oil industry – Kao Corporation, Apical Group, and Asian Agri. This collaboration seeks to build a more sustainable palm oil value chain by working with independent smallholders.

SMILE programme is a 10-year project which is divided into 3 phases. Since the launch, Asian Agri has been engaging with 781 independent smallholders that were identified under Phase 1 (2020-2025) of the programme. As of October 2021, the independent smallholders participated in many activities held under SMILE such as standard operating procedures and policy development of RSPO Independent Smallholders Standards, trainings, farmers’ aerial mapping and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) identification.

Responsible Sourcing from Smallholders (RSS)

Apical is working with Setara Jambi and CORE on the Responsible Sourcing from Smallholder (RSS) programme.

We continue engaging with both mills to develop programmes ensuring sustainable, responsible sourcing from smallholders.


This project with Earthworm Foundation aims to drive transformation and innovation at the farmer level. The project is ongoing as of 2021 as we plan to expand the programme scope, focusing on replanting activities. It involves relevant stakeholders including local government and the Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (Badan Pengelola Dana Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit – BPDPKS). Besides the replanting activities, this project seeks to generate alternative income for the farmers through livestock and horticulture activities.


Traceability to Plantation (TTP) at Tesso Nilo with Setara Jambi

The TTP project with Setara Jambi together with PT Fortius Wajo Perkebunan and PT Sawit Mas Nusantara to achieve 100% traceability to plantation has been completed. Both suppliers remain committed to remove any illegal FFB source within supply chain.

Meanwhile, three suppliers have implemented TTP on their own accord.

– PT Gemilang Sawit Lestari : Completed. 100% TTP
– PT Makmur Andalan Sawit: Completed. 100 TTP
– PT Persada Alam Jaya. Completed. 100% TTP